Soul healing & spiritual balance


Creative Kinesiology

Kinesiology is the art of muscle testing to isolate specific muscles of the body and connect them with meridians from Chinese Medicine, researched by chiropractors from America in the 1950s. Chiropractor Dr George Goodheart dedicated much of his life's work to discovering kinesiology muscle testing, obtaining biofeedback from the body, and innovating methods of strengthening and healing the body.

Creative Kinesiology offers deep soul healing, using muscle testing to access your body’s deeper wisdom. Together with Chinese Medicine Five Element theory, sensitive discussion, clues from the mysterious 'Files' by healer Haakon Lovell, and a range of healing techniques, you will find balance and peace within yourself.

Difficulties are addressed through finding out where energy is blocked in the body and activating your self-healing capacity. We look at your goals and what you would like to welcome more of in your life, expanding your awareness of your self and your potential, and connecting you with the Great Spirit of life, the Earth and the ancestors.


How Kinesiology can Help

Creative Kinesiology helps you get on track, feel balanced, and become centred, grounded and anchored in the world. As you heal emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual imbalances, you discover your true self, unique gifts and skills in this lifetime.

We work together to find the root cause of difficulties, integrating your past experiences, transforming karma and activating your soul’s healing. Together we create a sacred space for your true self to emerge and flourish.

Your soul will always lead you towards your greatness, inner peace and harmony. It reveals to you your true power & potential and a positive future direction, so that you can live fully with freedom, express your wonderful self, and reconnect with your capacity for joy and love.

With this alignment to your soul, you uncover your natural energy, vitality and radiance. And you will blossom in confidence, self-belief, purpose and trust in the Divine.

See what previous clients have said in Testimonials.


Further Details

Each session is known as a balance, and has its own focus within the overall goals we agree at the start of our work together. Creative Kinesiology works best when seen as a process or journey, over time.

We offer block bookings for 3 or 6 sessions, usually for short-term difficulties or to introduce yourself to Creative Kinesiology. For chronic, long-term conditions or deeper healing we will work together over a longer period of months or years. Find out more about making an agreement together here.

We use therapeutic touch to assist the body with its natural healing. This may include muscle testing, gentle holding points, deeper massage points and energy work. All sessions are carried out fully clothed.



Pricing & Booking

30 minute initial consultation - free


Price per session (up to 1 hour 10 mins) - £60

Block of 3 sessions - £165 (in advance)

Block of 6 sessions - £320 (in advance)


Please contact us to discuss reduced fees if you are on a low income.


t: +44 (0)7802 788178




t: +44 (0)7802 788178